Excel Formulas | 9 Minutes Read

Excel Shortcuts – Explore List of Time-Saving Shortcuts

By Suhas Prasad

Do you want to increase productivity while working with Microsoft Excel? Excel shortcuts are one of the most powerful tools to help you master Excel and take your skills to the next level. This article will help you learn excel shortcuts to help you become an Excel pro in no time!

What are excel shortcuts?

Excel shortcuts are key combinations that allow you to perform tasks efficiently. 

For example, 

  • The Excel keyboard shortcut to copy and paste is Ctrl + C, and Ctrl + V.
  • CTRL+F is the Excel shortcut to find
  • Learning these shortcuts are important to understand as they help you save a lot of time.

List of Excel Shortcuts:

If you want to become an Excel pro, you must learn the Excel shortcuts. To help you get started, here is a list of the most important Excel shortcuts by category.

List of Top 50 Must Know Excel Shortcuts:

Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YRedo
Ctrl + ASelect All
Ctrl + BBold
Ctrl + IItalic
Ctrl + UUnderline
Ctrl + FFind
Ctrl + HReplace
Ctrl + NNew Workbook
Ctrl + OOpen
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + PPrint
Ctrl + WClose Workbook
Ctrl + TNew Worksheet
Ctrl + RFill Right
Ctrl + DFill Down
Ctrl + LAutoFit Column Width
Ctrl + KInsert Hyperlink
Ctrl + ;Insert Date
Ctrl + Shift + ;Insert Time
Ctrl + EnterFill Selected Cells with Same Data
Ctrl + Shift + EnterInsert New Line in Cell
Ctrl + Space barSelect Entire Column
Ctrl + Shift + Space barSelect Entire Row
Ctrl + TabMove to Next Sheet
Ctrl + Shift + TabMove to Previous Sheet
Ctrl + [Go to cell that contains specific data
Ctrl + ]Go to next cell that contains specific data
Ctrl + Page UpMove to Previous Worksheet
Ctrl + Page DownMove to Next Worksheet
Ctrl + HomeMove to First Cell of Worksheet
Ctrl + EndMove to Last Cell of Worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow KeySelect Multiple Cells
Ctrl + F1Show/Hide Ribbon
Ctrl + Shift + !Apply Number Format
Ctrl + Shift + $Apply Currency Format
Ctrl + Shift + #Apply Date Format
Ctrl + Shift + %Apply Percentage Format
Ctrl + Shift + ^Apply Scientific Notation
Ctrl + Shift + &Apply Outline Border
Ctrl + Shift + @Apply Time Format
Ctrl + Alt + VPaste Special
Ctrl + ;Repeat Last Action
Ctrl + Alt + F1Create New Chart
Ctrl + Alt + IInsert New Picture
Ctrl + Alt + DCreate Pivot Table
Ctrl + Alt + WApply Auto filter

List of Excel Worksheet Related Shortcuts:

Ctrl + HomeGo to cell A1
Ctrl + EndGo to the last cell in the worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + HomeSelect all cells from the current cell to A1
Ctrl + Shift + EndSelect all cells from the current cell to the last cell in the worksheet
Ctrl + TabMove between worksheets in a workbook
Ctrl + Page DownMove to the next worksheet
Ctrl + Page UpMove to the previous worksheet
Ctrl + Page UpMove to the previous worksheet in the workbook.
Ctrl + Page DownMove to the next worksheet in the workbook.
Ctrl + HomeMove to the first cell in the worksheet (A1).
Ctrl + EndMove to the last cell in the worksheet with data.
Ctrl + TabMove between open workbooks.
Alt + Page UpMove one screen to the left in the worksheet.
Alt + Page DownMove one screen to the right in the worksheet.
Alt + HomeMove to the first cell in the row.
Alt + EndMove to the last cell in the row.
Ctrl + Arrow keyMove to the last non
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keySelect all cells between the current cell and the last non
Ctrl + Space barSelect the entire column.
Shift + Space barSelect the entire row.
Ctrl + Shift + HomeSelect all cells from the current cell to the first cell in the worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + EndSelect all cells from the current cell to the last cell with data in the worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + Page UpSelect multiple worksheets.
Ctrl + Shift + Page DownSelect multiple worksheets.
Ctrl + ASelect all cells in the worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + +Select all cells with data in the adjacent columns and rows.
Ctrl + *Select all cells with data in the current region.
Ctrl + /Select all cells with data in the current row.
Ctrl + ‘Copy the value from the cell above.
F5Open the Go To dialog box.
Ctrl + GOpen the Go To dialog box.
Ctrl + F5Restore the window size of the workbook.
Ctrl + Shift + F5Maximize the window size of the workbook.
F6Switch between different parts of the Excel window.
F11Create a chart in a new sheet.
Alt + F11Open the Visual Basic Editor.
Ctrl + OOpen a workbook.
Ctrl + SSave the current workbook.
Ctrl + Shift + SSave the current workbook with a new name.
Ctrl + WClose the current workbook.
Ctrl + PPrint the current workbook.
Ctrl + FOpen the Find and Replace dialogue box.
Ctrl + HOpen the Find and Replace dialogue box.
Ctrl + Shift + HReplace values in a range of cells.
Ctrl + Shift + FOpen the Format Cells dialogue box.
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy the selected cells.
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste the copied cells.
Ctrl + Shift + XCut the selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + OSelect all cells with comments
Ctrl + Shift + TCreate or remove a table from selected data.
Ctrl + Shift + WWrap the text in selected cells

List of Formatting Related Shortcuts:

Ctrl + 1Open format cells dialogue box
Ctrl + 1Open the Format Cells dialogue box
Ctrl + 5Strike through selected cells
Ctrl + ASelect the entire worksheet
Ctrl + Alt + VOpen paste special dialogue box
Ctrl + BBold selected cells
Ctrl + DFill down the contents of the active cell into selected cells below
Ctrl + EApply center alignment to selected cells
Ctrl + IItalicize selected cells
Ctrl + JApply justified alignment to selected cells
Ctrl + LApply left alignment to selected cells
Ctrl + RApply right alignment to selected cells
Ctrl + RFill right the contents of the active cell into selected cells to the right
Ctrl + Shift + _Remove outline border from selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + ;Apply date format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + ;Apply date format with a semicolon (MM/DD/YYYY) to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + :Apply time format with a colon (HH:MM) to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + !Apply number format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + {Decrease indent of selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + }Increase indent of selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + @Apply time format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + &Apply outline border to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + #Apply date format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + %Apply percentage format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + ^Apply exponential format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + +Apply formula to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + <Decrease font size of selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + =Apply formula to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + >Increase font size of selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + $Apply currency format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + 1Apply general format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + 2Apply number format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + 2Apply time format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + 3Apply currency format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + 3Apply date format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + 4Apply currency format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + 4Apply date format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + 5Apply percentage format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + 5Apply time format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + 6Apply percentage format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + 6Apply shading to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + 7Apply border to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + 7Apply or remove borders to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + 7Apply scientific format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + 8Apply fraction
Ctrl + Shift + FApply or change cell formatting
Ctrl + Shift + SpaceSelect the entire row of the active cell
Ctrl + Shift + UApply or remove the underline format to selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + YApply or remove the strike through format to selected cells
Ctrl + SpaceSelect the entire column of the active cell
Ctrl + UUnderline selected cells

List of Alt Key Shortcuts:

Alt + EnterAdd a line break within a cell
Alt + HOpen the Home tab in the ribbon
Alt + WOpen the View tab in the ribbon
Alt + FOpen the File tab in the ribbon
Alt + ROpen the Review tab in the ribbon
Alt + POpen the Page Layout tab in the ribbon
Alt + NOpen the Insert tab in the ribbon
Alt + TOpen the Formulas tab in the ribbon
Alt + DOpen the Data tab in the ribbon
Alt + XOpen the Developer tab in the ribbon
Alt + AApply or remove auto-filter to a table
Alt + H + O + IOpen the Format Cells dialogue
Alt + H + CClear the contents of selected cells
Alt + H + DClear the formatting of selected cells
Alt + H + F + GGroup rows or columns
Alt + H + F + UUngroup rows or columns
Alt + H + WApply or remove word wrap to selected cells
Alt + H + QApply or remove cell text wrapping
Alt + H + A + AApply or remove autofit to column width
Alt + H + A + RApply or remove autofit to row height
Alt + W + FOpen the Freeze Panes dialogue box
Alt + W + UUnfreeze panes
Alt + W + SSplit the screen horizontally or vertically
Alt + W + DRemove screen split
Alt + F + SSave the workbook
Alt + F + ASave the workbook with a different name
Alt + F + CClose the workbook
Alt + F + PPrint the workbook
Alt + F + IImport data into the workbook
Alt + F + XExport the workbook
Alt + F + QQuick analysis of selected data
Alt + F + TApply a pivot table to selected data
Alt + F + RRefresh the pivot table data
Alt + F + WFormat the pivot table
Alt + R + CConditional formatting rules
Alt + R + TTrack changes in the workbook
Alt + R + HHighlight changes in the workbook
Alt + R + AAccept or reject changes in the workbook
Alt + P + MPage margins
Alt + P + SPage orientation
Alt + P + LPage layout
Alt + P + HPage header and footer
Alt + P + RPage setup
Alt + P + BPage background
Alt + N + TInsert a table
Alt + N + CInsert a chart
Alt + N + SInsert a shape
Alt + N + PInsert a picture
Alt + N + LInsert a linked picture
Alt + N + IInsert an image from the internet
Alt + N + HInsert a hyperlink
Alt + N + OInsert an object
Alt + N + AInsert an audio clip
Alt + N + VInsert a video clip
Alt + D + DData connection properties
Alt + D + TData table
Alt + D + PData pivot table
Alt + D + SData sort
Alt + D + FData filter
Alt + D + RData refresh
Alt + T + FFormulas
Alt + T + AAutoSum
Alt + T + SSum
Alt + T + MAverage
Alt + T + CCount
Alt + T + XMax
Alt + T + NMin
Alt + T + VVlookup
Alt + T + HHlookup
Alt + T + IIf statement
Alt + T + RRound
Alt + T + LLogical functions
Alt + T + TText functions
Alt + T + DDate and time functions
Alt + T + BBasic arithmetic functions
Alt + T + PPower functions
Alt + T + GFinancial functions
Alt + T + QStatistical functions
Alt + XOpen the Developer tab
Alt + X + VView code
Alt + X + BDebug code
Alt + X + RRun code
Alt + X + TTest code
Alt + X + CControl code
Alt + V + FFormat cells
Alt + V + NCustom number formatting
Alt + V + DCustom date formatting
Alt + V + TCustom time formatting
Alt + V + CCustom currency formatting
Alt + V + ACustom accounting formatting
Alt + V + PCustom percentage formatting
Alt + V + XCustom exponential formatting
Alt + V + BCustom fraction formatting
Alt + V + LCustom scientific notation formatting
Alt + V + SCustom text formatting
Alt + O + MOffice theme
Alt + O + CColor scheme
Alt + O + FFont scheme
Alt + O + PParagraph spacing
Alt + O + LLine spacing
Alt + O + TText direction
Alt + O + RText alignment
Alt + O + BText border
Alt + O + FText fill
Alt + O + IText indent
Alt + O + NText shading
Alt + O + GText glow
Alt + O + EText effects
Alt + O + UText underline
Alt + H + AAutoFit
Alt + H + RRow height
Alt + H + CColumn width
Alt + H + MMerge cells
Alt + H + SSplit cells
Alt + H + TWrap text
Alt + H + BBold text
Alt + H + IItalic text
Alt + H + UUnderline text
Alt + H + LStrikethrough text
Alt + H + XSuperscript text
Alt + H + YSubscript text
Alt + H + FFont size
Alt + H + NFont color
Alt + H + PText protection
Alt + H + GGridlines
Alt + H + TTable styles
Alt + H + CCell styles
Alt + H + ZZoom
Alt + H + QQuick analysis
Alt + H + WWord wrap
Alt + H + OOverflow text
Alt + H + RRepeat header row
Alt + H + DData validation
Alt + H + KCustom data validation
Alt + W + RRepeat columns
Alt + W + DFreeze panes
Alt + W + TTable filter
Alt + W + STable sort
Alt + W + GTable group
Alt + W + PTable pivot
Alt + W + CTable chart
Alt + W + FTable formula
Alt + W + MTable map
Alt + W + HTable hierarchy
Alt + W + LTable layout
Alt + W + BTable banded rows
Alt + W + NTable banded columns
Alt + W + XTable total row
Alt + W + YTable calculated column
Alt + W + ZTable calculated field
Alt + D + CConditional formatting
Alt + D + RRemove formatting
Alt + D + AClear all formatting
Alt + D + TText to columns
Alt + D + EFlash fill
Alt + D + PPowerPivot
Alt + D + FPowerQuery
Alt + D + QQuick insights
Alt + D + WData model
Alt + A + BAdd
Alt + A + CCharts
Alt + A + GGraphs
Alt + A + IShapes
Alt + A + LLabels
Alt + A + TTables
Alt + A + MMaps
Alt + A + SScenarios
Alt + A + DSolver
Alt + A + PPowerView
Alt + A + OPowerMap
Alt + A + RPowerApps
Alt + A + NPowerBI
Alt + A + UPowerUpdate
Alt + A + ZPowerZoom
Alt + A + XPowerExplore
Alt + A + QPowerQ&A
Alt + A + WPowerWiki
Alt + A + KPowerKPI
Alt + A + JPowerBI Jaggery.
Alt + F + AFile actions
Alt + F + NNew workbook
Alt + F + OOpen workbook
Alt + F + SSave workbook
Alt + F + XSave as workbook
Alt + F + WClose workbook
Alt + F + EExcel options
Alt + F + TExcel themes
Alt + F + RExcel records
Alt + F + IExcel Info
Alt + F + PExcel print
Alt + F + UExcel undo
Alt + F + ZExcel redo
Alt + F + CExcel copy
Alt + F + VExcel paste
Alt + F + DExcel cut
Alt + F + BExcel bold
Alt + F + IExcel italic
Alt + F + UExcel underline
Alt + F + LExcel strikethrough
Alt + F + XExcel superscript
Alt + F + YExcel subscript
Alt + F + KExcel hyperlink
Alt + F + GExcel autocomplete
Alt + F + HExcel autofill
Alt + F + MExcel merge cells
Alt + F + WExcel wrap text
Alt + F + QExcel cell formatting
Alt + F + RExcel row height
Alt + F + CExcel column width
Alt + F + AExcel align left
Alt + F + EExcel align center
Alt + F + IExcel align right
Alt + F + OExcel justify
Alt + F + ZExcel top align
Alt + F + XExcel middle align
Alt + F + CExcel bottom align
Alt + F + VExcel increase font size
Alt + F + BExcel decrease font size
Alt + F + NExcel font color
Alt + F + MExcel fill color
Alt + F + WExcel cell border
Alt + F + EExcel conditional formatting
Alt + F + RExcel data validation
Alt + F + TExcel text to columns
Alt + H + HHome tab
Alt + H + FFont group
Alt + H + AAlignment group
Alt + H + NNumber group
Alt + H + WCells group
Alt + H + EStyles group
Alt + H + CClipboard group
Alt + H + FFind & Select group
Alt + H + TEditing group
Alt + H + SFormulas group
Alt + H + DData group
Alt + H + PProtection group
Alt + H + AArrange group
Alt + H + RReview group
Alt + H + VView group
Alt + H + GShow/Hide group
Alt + H + QQuick Analysis group
Alt + H + WFlash Fill group
Alt + H + EFormula AutoComplete group
Alt + H + RFormula Auditing group

Benefits of Excel Shortcuts:

Excel shortcuts are essential to learn for any Excel user. They can make your work faster, easier and more efficient. 

Here are some of the benefits of learning Excel shortcuts:

  • Learning Excel shortcuts can make you much more productive. Shortcuts help in entering and formatting the cells quickly and easily. This in turn would reduce the amount of time to complete tasks.
  • Excel shortcuts can help in formatting the Excel spreadsheets consistently and accurately. This would avoid careless errors and improve the accuracy of data.
  • Excel Key shortcuts would help in faster movement around the spreadsheet.